Top Yorkshire Covers Band - REAL PUB ENTERTAINMENT!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

SAT 5th MAY 2007
cheers to everyone who made it up to the CROSS KEYS MORLEY last night to help celebrate sams birthday
pics to come as soon boots develop 'em
til then heres a couple of LITTLE SEXY DAVE who got rather bolloxed
i've heard of blokes getting drunk and peeing in wardrobes
but never heard of them peeing on the groupies
.BIG SEXY DAVE has also decided to stop polishing his head before gigs as people were left with headaches and nausea from the glare bouncing off of his bobbing bonce
more pics soon
heres what the old git had to say about it on ROCK OF THE NORTH
We had local boys made good appearing @ the keys sat night which led to two outstanding sets from the guys who just cant put a foot wrong these days with there music ability & style which has led to a great following & crowd puller whichever venue they seem to land next
Since little sexy dave joined, the band seem to have changed direction with a lot more new material & just seemed to have grabbed that niche in the live venue market @ our local watering holes !
Sam was as sublime with his guitar work as ever,
Big Sexy Dave held the audience in has hand with his driving bass work
little Sexy Dave carried the rest of the sets through with his own unique sound
& the ever present paul carried the band with his percussion work & sublime quotes, he must lay awake all night thinking these up to put the iceing on the cake of this great band we all know & love
By the end of the night the local peeps were in a frenzy wanting more, but Sam still refused to get a round in so we had an encore, followed by another and another .......
What can i say but two words which summed the night up


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