Top Yorkshire Covers Band - REAL PUB ENTERTAINMENT!!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

last night saw us play BOB n PAULS joint 50th barfday bash up at the keys
.and as you can see by these two pics of the big day boys, they do look well for their age

we were expecting tea on the lawn, cucumber sandwiches and a few games of cribbage but the old twots must have upped their medication as they, and everyone else was up for a rocker of a night

just got this review of the gig from the cross-keys-morley site
Under stiff compation last night i.e. irish show band on lynne & howards back lawn while they were away for the day, they even brought there own giant gazzibo
Morleys premier boy band the ERICS pulled out all the stops once again to a packed house & had the place rocking to its foundations & will i hope converted a few who never venture out to catch live bands in the raw, Cant really say anything more than what people allready know about this band except they were @ their brillient best, can these boys - Paul, Big Sexy Dave, Sam & Little Sexy Dave get any better when it comes to playing the crowd?
They finished first set with the who`s wont get fooled again which was top notch, talking to a guy who had travelled from outer brighouse said he has never heard it played so well, thats my lot
take care all Mav

thanks also to the band MEXICAN LIPSTICK who played a short set before we got on

a really nice bunch of guys playing some great stuff like be bop, 10cc and focus that you just don't hear in pubs
the lads need to get sorted and start gigging
cheers also to the irish band playing in the marquee outside who's name i never got
its our own paul the gobs turn next


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