Top Yorkshire Covers Band - REAL PUB ENTERTAINMENT!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

here you can see the erics boys having a bit of a lark about after a recent gig at wembley
and whilst it was a fun way to calm down after playing in front of a crowd of sixty thousand, the lads would like to take this opportunity to issue a warning to all of the other bands out there to take care
its well known that the lads are knocking on a bit, but even they couldn't have guessed what would happen next.................
as you can see in the pic below
horror of horrors
unfortunately, in the heat of the excitement, no one noticed until we got home, and by the time we got back to the scene of the tragedy, the legs and a rather fetching pair of m + s jeans had gone
police were informed and a special unit has been put into action to retrieve the legs which have been described by some as the hairiest in rock and roll history
ex eric phil did lend paul his spare set of legs but paul reluctantly had to return them after several nosebleeds and an allergic reaction to the vertigo pills
that other ex eric nick kindly offered to lend paul his legs but it was decided after a lengthy band discussion that they were just too skinny and smooth
there will be a pubic meeting at the CRIMEA castleford on fri 6th july to decide what action the band should take next


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