Top Yorkshire Covers Band - REAL PUB ENTERTAINMENT!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

whilst out with ex eric soundman and part time sex god steve in the watering holes of osset i came across a copy of the innscene mag that adorn many a barstool and toilet floor and was pleased to see both of our upcoming wakey gigs in there
the new inn add for tues was the one that really caught my eye though, it was the usual thing, with the band name and a short summary of the what the band play/are like -
the tony forester band.....blues/soul
shame the devil....who the stones and more
flashback.....recreating that 60's sound
the erics .......... THEY'RE MAD!
rock on tommy
if you were wondering what the beer and curry has got to do with anything, its pauls birthday on tues and these are just a few things on his prezzie list
sorry paul but they wouldnt let me publish the pic of the nymphomaniac blonde twins doing the birdy song dance whilst covered in lemon curd and singing mambo no 5
hope to see you all at
tues 5th feb
onstage at 9pm


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