number 3
twisted sister
we’re not gonna take it
Every time I hear this song it just cheers me up.
. one of my fave bands way back when and this has got to be their best moment ever. singer dee snider is still one of the best frontmen i have ever seen , getting everyone involved with his rather colourful onstage banter , and even though they looked daft that was all part of the don't take any shit from anyone , you are who you are attitude. christ these guys were more punk than most of the bands who stuck that label on there bondage shirts just to get a deal.
and that voice!
imagine alice cooper after gargling petrol and eating two dozen razor blades and you're about halfway there
It’s loud, it’s clichéd, it’s silly , a bit like me
and if we can’t have a good laugh every now and then what’s the point
(ooh and he had lovely hair)
number 2
The temptations
ball of confusion
and the band played on
I think the reason I love so many different types of music is the fact that I am the youngest of six. So from an early age I heard everything from queen to gilbert o’sullivan to boney m to guy mitchell. But I always loved the motown chartbusters albums (the ones with the tin foil and big fly-like spaceship covers) and the one I kept going back to was number 5 - Stevie wonder/Jackson 5/marvin gaye and this track by the temptations, it all starts with that totally awesome bassline before all the different vocals kick in and list everthing that was so great about america at the time , racism- drugs - gun control – unemployment – end the war.
Oh how things change
and now finally
the big one
numero uno
top of the pile
king of the hill
is it going to be thrashing guitars , rumbling bass , powerhouse drumming and amazing vocal acrobatics?????
just some geeky guy with a piano

ben folds
the luckiest
just the most beautiful song ever written
it’s the words he uses , the kind of things you often think to yourself but never say because they may sound stupid or clumsy. and the way the song says there is someone for everybody , and that just the knowing that is enough to keep you going. but if you’re actually lucky enough to end up with that someone then it does’nt matter about all the other shit in life , you are the luckiest just to be together
(dedicated to Linda)
send us your
top fives
to get things started that big hunka sexy peter has sent in his five faves
5 nine inch nails -something i can never have
4 metallica - no leaf clover
3 boy hits car - benkei
2 nine inch nails - closer
1 live - i alone